Paul Sturrock wrote:What do you mean by "junk characters"? What did you expect and what actually happened?
Thanks for reading the post,abt the Junk values, details are as follows
Technologies Used
Java jdk1.5
DB:Oracle 10g
1.Data is been inserted from the Front End(Java) interface is provided to the user to upload the excel file,whose data is been read from the java aplication and then stores the data to the database.
3.nw when we see the data in the database,then junk values are there with the existing data..not only that when we fire a query to find the data in the db for that particular column..then SQL Developer tool gets Hangs Up.
4.The Junk values which we figured out from the table is like (?,and the oppsite sign of ? and reverse of ?)
guys if you hv faced ny similar issues and hv come up with the solution,please let me its a retail sector......uploading done quite on regular bases to upload the products.
Vikas Malviya