OCPJP for Java 6 on 01/2011
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OCPJP for Java 6 on 01/2011
Darren Littlepage wrote:My experience with the exam was familiar. I saw a lot of things coded in a way you would never see or think of in real life. Sometimes I just didn't know if what they coded would work or not. That's why I say to code a lot...especially after mock exams where you see things you didn't expect.
I felt like I was taking a Enthuware exam or the exam that came with the K&B book...confident on most questions...but unsure about some.
My advice is to go through the K&B book, code examples as you go through and after the tests at the end of the chapters. When you have been through the book a few times and coded, start taking mock exams. In my opinion Enthuware is great for the money and the questions were more like the test questions than some of the free ones.
I coded a lot. The only thing I would have done differently is to code more because I know my score would have been higher if I did. I got a 78%. I got 47 out of 60 correct. I didn't feel like I missed that many while taking the exam. I was only unsure of about five questions. Then again, I second guessed myself a lot and changed some answers that might have been right to begin with because the way they were coded or worded.
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