Hi there
Please forgive me if made any mistake with this post (first timer)
Straight into the issue
We got a wsdl file from a 3rd party, threw it into Eclipse to create the stubs with Axis2-1.4.1, finished writing the client, works great from our office.
Deployed the Webservice client (stubs included) on the Client side, then issues started because The client's WWW connection is done via a proxy (NTLM).
I wrote a normal/direct http connection
jsp which after having to upgrade the jdk version, and using the "java.net.Authenticator.setDefault(myAuthenticator)" connects to the WWW just fine. so i started celebrating
and all, until i decided to
test the Webservice itself.
The code snippet for the jsp:
The code snippet for the Webservice client:
And that's where all breaks loose with the following exception:
After i noticed that the Webservice was always just somehow defaulting to BASIC, did a tcp dump to look at all the differences between the two connections:
Direct (not webservice)
Via Axis2
Extra info:
I've seen that the warning
Required credentials not available for BASIC
is given in HttpMethodDirector.java in method authenticateHost(final HttpMethod method)
and that method has the following:
So the
is taken from the
which I would guess is "supposed" to be getting these details within HttpMethodDirector.java:
I have no idea why this thing is still defaulting to BASIC.
What am i doing wrong with the webservice client?
Please help...
Thanks in Advance