I'm new to Spring Security and I wanted to use it for authentication purposes in my Struts2 application. The problem is that when I define Struts2 filter and Spring Security filter in web.xml and run the application I get the error 404. Both filters are mapped to /* url pattern so I suspect that might be the problem cause when I remove the Spring Security filter Struts2 works fine and I get to my home page. Here is my web.xml file:
I think I fixed it. The problem was that I missed some libraries in the classpath. I kept adding libraries that was missing according to container log file till it stopped complaining :-).
With projects I'm invovled with that don't use Maven, libraries can be a pain.
If you can, look in to Maven. Maven will manage most of your libraries and dependencies for you.
Netbeans has a project template for a Maven Web Application. I love it!
I haven't done it in Eclipse...
With projects I'm invovled with that don't use Maven, libraries can be a pain.
If you can, look in to Maven. Maven will manage most of your libraries and dependencies for you.
Netbeans has a project template for a Maven Web Application. I love it!
I haven't done it in Eclipse...
Thanks Chris. I will definitely do that.
I brought this back from the farm where they grow the tiny ads: