Wow, thanks! However, the IDE underlines the
word "add" in this line:
...and produces the following error code:
The method add(T, T) in the type Addition<T> is not applicable for the arguments (Object, Object)
I'm also confused by the syntax in the add method signature:
Are you casting a GenericMatrix<T> as type <T>?
Finally, I'm not clear how I would call this method. For generic matrices A and B, this command produces a slew of error messages:
(Inserting <Integer> into the command in different locations produced no reduction of error messages.)
Somehow I feel I'm well out of my
water in trying to tackle this seemingly straightforward problem, or else my luck has brought me to one of the thornier issues of Java programming. It seems like there are a lot of subtleties here that I'm not grasping...
Thanks in advance for your help!