I'm new in GWT designer and
Java and I'm trying to create a GUI for my previous Solitaire project. The thing is, whenever I used ArrayDeque and
String Tokenizer in my project, it shows this error even though I imported the java.util in my project:
[ERROR] [com.haroldGWT.solitaire.GWTSolHarold] - Line 7: No source code is available for type java.util.ArrayDeque<E>; did you forget to inherit a required module?
So I added this to my xml file to eliminate the error:
<inherits name="com.java.util.*"/>
The error for ArrayDeque disappeared but when I try to run my project, it shows a new error:
[ERROR] [com.haroldGWT.solitaire.GWTSolHarold] - Unable to find 'com/java/util/*.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
Could anyone help me out please?