I carefully read the instructions on the "How to create your first
Java Program" page, and I seem to have everything setup correctly. However, I'm unable to pull up the Java version when I go into command prompt and type: 'javac -version' (hence, I'm thinking I jacked this up). Here's a brief recap of what I've done:
I went to the oracle page, and downloaded/installed a recent version of JDK: JDK 6 Update 23 with JavaFX 1.3.1 SDK
I went into environment variables, created a new variable under system variables named: JAVA_HOME and set the path as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin
I then clicked on edit for the path variable under system variables, and I deleted two java paths that were inserted in there upon installation. One had something to do with an emulator for JavaFX, and the other one was a link to the \bin for JavaFX. Was I wrong in doing that?
I then added in the entry: %JAVA_HOME%\bin; at the forefront and clicked on ok. After that, I went to command prompt, typed in javac -version and I got an "javac is not recognized message"
Any help would be much appreciated!