Actually, your clarification was more confusing than the question. For one thing, I'm not sure why an open-ended version request isn't the same as "latest" in your view.
If, in fact, your Eclipse classpath is hardcoded in the POM, that is a serious problem. Neither Maven nor Ant should be doing that, and in fact, it's not good practice for batch building anywhere. It makes it a lot harder to do automated builds and makes it darn near impossible to maintain a separate non-GUI production build environment like I've had in some shops.
One of the biggest reasons I use batch build tools is because they keep the
IDE from holding me hostage. I've already experienced the situation where a program would break and need a one-line fix, the fix couldn't be compiled because the IDE had changed, and the older IDE couldn't be installed on the latest OS. No thanks. Batch processes are simpler and less prone to breakage.
If Maven is going to do the build, the Maven repository should be sufficient via Maven's own (non-IDE) processes. If your problem is making Eclipse Maven-friendly and you don't have the Sonatype m2eclipse plugin, get it. Among other things, it will add the project's Maven dependencies to the Project Explorer View. And even without Maven, avoid hard-coding absolute paths into Eclipse projects. Eclipse has symbolic definition capabilities that can be used to help ensure that when you go on vacation and Sally Schmuckendorf has to do an emergency fix, she can do it on her own computer and not have to hack into yours. I worked in a shop where in theory we were supposed to be using the same setup as another group and in practice did no such thing, because they'd tied their build processes intimately into an IDE configuration that wasn't appropriate to us.
Regardless, I'd be very careful with POMs calling for the "latest" version of an artefact. It's OK for development, but a production build that gets dragged out in the middle of the night 3 years from now may discover that the latest versions of its dependencies are all over the map and you're right back where I was 10 years ago with IDE-only builds.