Hi Merrill,
Thank u very much for the files. I went theough them. I still cant able to find the flaw in my code..
here are my sample code...the jsp
<html:form action="/protect/xccManageSolutionComponentsAdd.wss" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<!--here i am uploading the files-->
<td width="30%">Add CFReport:</td>
<td width="30%" colspan="3"><html:file property="cfReport" size="50" /></td>
<td> </td>
<td width="25%">Add SEO csv file:</td>
<td width="30%" colspan="3"><html:file property="seoCsvFile" size="50" /></td>
<!--here are my text fields -->
<td> Type : <html:text property="mesType" size="8" /> </td>
<td> Model :<html:text property="mesModel" size="8" /> </td>
<td> Feature/RPQ : <html:text property="mesFeature" size="12" /></td>
<td align="right" colspan="5"><span class="button-gray">
<html:submit value="Add" /> </span></td>
here is my form bean
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
public class XCCManageSolutionComponentsForm extends ActionForm
private FormFile cfReport;
String mesFeature;
private String mesModel;
private String mesType;
private FormFile seoCsvFile;
public FormFile getCfReport()
return cfReport;
public String getMesFeature()
return mesFeature;
public String getMesModel()
return mesModel;
public String getMesType()
return mesType;
public String getSearchSeo()
return searchSeo;
public FormFile getSeoCsvFile()
return seoCsvFile;
public void setCfReport(FormFile cfReport)
this.cfReport = cfReport;
public void setMesFeature(String mesFeature)
this.mesFeature = mesFeature;
public void setMesModel(String mesModel)
this.mesModel = mesModel;
public void setMesType(String mesType)
this.mesType = mesType;
public void setSeoCsvFile(FormFile seoCsvFile)
this.seoCsvFile = seoCsvFile;
does the jsp and the form bean need change..???
thanks and regards