Currently I am working in a application, in which we are using a temporary table. Now we want to remove this temporary table because of performance. So someone suggested, I should create java file instead of table.
My question is that: Should I use java file instead of databse table? Would it be efficient than tables?
If this data structure could be placed in one of the Java collections, it is likely that you could serialize it out to file a lot faster than any database operation.
There are thousand of records. There are many number of batches, I insert every batch in to temporary table. Temporary table hold both type of batches(Good batch and bad batch). When insert batch into final table, got only good batch record from temporary table.
So in this case some one suggested to me, I should use java file instead of database. It will be efficient.
File I/O also can be expensive considering you have 1000s of records to persist. Have you considered using an XML repository or something on those lines so that fetching data can be more streamlined . You would need to decide on the data structure first and that would enable you to choose a solution.
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