posted 13 years ago
Yes. Not Android specific, of course, there is no magic in Android compared to other mobile OSs. Mobile computers, these things that for historical reasons are still called "mobile phones", are the kind of computer that fulfill the promises made in the eigthies. These are personal computers. Together with something you may call "cloud", or at least centralised data holding with ubiquitious access.
Remember writing todo lists in BASIC on your C64? Good for learning, useless in practice. Or "syncing" different contact databases 10 years ago? The thought alone is horrible. Web apps for these were a giant step forward, but you still needed to get to the next computer. Backups! Automatically today. And so on.
These devices will shape our daily life more than these grey boxes that stood in the rooms for the last 20 years. They will vanish, computer usage and helpfulness will rise enormous. And we are just at the beginning!
Bright, technological future that will solve our problems and make everyones life easier, hooray! (again;-))