Hello, this is my first application using openEJB and I'm trying to develop a simple Blog.
I have four entities : User, Comment, Post and Categories (a post can have multiple categories)
Here is the code of my Category Entity :
And in my JpaCategoryDao (where I have the @stateless), I have :
When I try to call the JpaCategoryDao.addCategory(), I have an exception :
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction was rolled back, presumably because setRollbackOnly was called during a synchronization
$Proxy72.addCategory(Unknown Source)
I've been searching about this exception, but I can't find a solution, I don't even understand what I do wrong. Especially because in my Dao where I have em.merge(), it works, I didin't tried the em.delete() but all other functions works (em.find, queries, etc)
So I've been thinking that I probably did something wrong when i declared my entities, or when I create my tables and fields in my database... But I've been searching for hours now, and I can't find what is wrong...
My Entities : (I don't write all my setters and getters)
And Finally, this is the structure of my Mysql Database :
If someone can help me, it would be great... Because I don't see what's wrong...
(And also, I'm sorry for my expression, but I'm french, so...)
Thank You very much !!