With that information there isn't anything we can do. There is a problem, but you don't tell us what problem. ItDoesntWorkIsUseless and TellTheDetails.
i write a code for voice transmition usin rtp protcol so i need to capture mic
but there is a problem to capture it this is the code to capture it using api(JMF-2.1.1e)
please help for the problem
But you still don't tell us what the problem is. Do you get a compiler error? An exception during runtime? Unexpected results? Or don't you know how to continue after that?
If it's the latter, I think you have to use one of the DataSource sub classes. If iDS is a PullDataSource, cast to PullDataSource and use the result of getStreams(). Likewise for the other known sub classes of DataSource.
i get this exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0
in line
CaptureDeviceInfo di=(CaptureDeviceInfo) devices.elementAt(0);
Please UseCodeTags next time. Make sure to preserve your indentation as well. I've added both for you this time.
Are you sure you have a capture device installed on your system? Because CaptureDeviceManager can't find any. Perhaps you need to install them first. I can't help you with that though, since I'm not very experienced in JMF.