Hi everyone,
I have a very basic question regarding the directory structure for deploying an
applet through JNLP.Let me explain my requirement.
I have an applet inside src/com/alex and the class files are in bin/com/alex directory.I have jar ed the class files in the bin directory and the applet is successfully launched.It works fine.
Now i have to make the applet-servlet communication working where the
servlet will communicate with the database and give values to the applet.
I have a function httptext() in the applet class that will communicate with servlet in the WEB-INF/classes directory.the httptext() needs to import another function that would be sonwhere com/alex.httpmessage.
Now how should i place all my class files and how should i jar it to make it complete .
MenuDemo.java (main applet) is in src/com/alex/
MenuDemo.class(main applet class) is in bin/com/alex
The Function HttpMessage () is used by httptext() in the applet class to communicate with the servlet and in the applet class i have import com.alex.HttpMessage
Where should i place this HttpMessage()?
Any Help is highly appreciated !