fogus, chouser
Based on hints on twitter, did you get Steve Yegge to write the forward?
If so, awesomesauce!
There is no acceptable Lisp
This is a problem. It's not a little teeny one, either. The Lisp communities (yeah, there are a bunch) are going to have to realize that if Lisp is ever going to be massively successful, it needs an overhaul. Or maybe a revolution. Contrary to what some might tell you, it doesn't need a committee, and it doesn't need a bunch of money. Linux proved exactly the opposite. Lisp needs a benevolent dictator. Lisp needs to ditch the name "Lisp", since it scares people. And Lisp needs to learn from the lessons of the 45 years of languages that have followed it.
And no, I'm not the guy. You're all far more qualified to tackle this problem than I am. Especially if you're under 26.
Clojure sure fills the bill!
Benevolent dictator? Check.
Non-scary name? Check.
Learned lessons of the past 45 years? Double check.
Rich isn't under 26, but ...
(edit PS)
I already bought the MEAP and pre-ordered the book. High quality work!