Hi Kevin,
Welcome to Java Ranch!
I'm confused by a couple of points in your question. First, the file encoding being CP-1252. What file is encoded that way? If it's the Java source file, then I don't even think you could save the code that contains Chinese characters, but I could be wrong. If it's the encoding on the file you are creating, that would affect the contents of the file, not its name. Are you ever seeing garbled characters? If so, where? In a command line directory listing? In a graphical file explorer? In an
For what it's worth, I tried to put 恭贺新禧 into my Java source file inside the Eclipse IDE. In order to save the file, I had to change the file properties to set the encoding to UTF-16 or UTF-8 instead of Cp1252. In order to see the characters display in the Eclipse window, I had to change the font for the Java editor to Arial Unicode MS (I'm on Windows at the moment) and the Script to Chinese-GB2312.
I've never really understood that Script setting and how it relates to Unicode. It seems to me if I have a character code for 恭 (606D), and the font has a character matching that code, it should display it. Why do I have to tell it what script to use? Maybe someone can answer that for both of us!