Books: Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java, Agile Java, Modern C++ Programming with TDD, Essential Java Style, Agile in a Flash. Contributor, Clean Code.
s mangal wrote: Are there better ways(tools/processes) to keep team motivated to keep writing good quality/coverage UT.
Books: Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java, Agile Java, Modern C++ Programming with TDD, Essential Java Style, Agile in a Flash. Contributor, Clean Code.
Jeff Langr wrote:Here are a couple blog posts on the topic:
He writes code. He likes it.
s mangal wrote: Unit testing is critical for all projects, agile and non-agile. Lack of formal QA makes it all the way more crucial for agile projects. In my experience, UT is one of the hardest things to enforce upon a team specially when there are lot of junior people who may not equal appreciation for UT as their senior counterparts. And than there are those who may agree in principle but fail in day today implementation. Business pressure to squeeze last minute feature also hurt this. Are there better ways(tools/processes) to keep team motivated to keep writing good quality/coverage UT.
He writes code. He likes it.
arnel nicolas wrote:I agree that this is more of a discipline. Maybe you can motivate the team by explaining to them the short term and long term benefit of unit testing. Site good examples if you can. Do pair programming with them and lead by example.
arnel nicolas wrote:Or if not, enforce it to the team
. What you can do is to require them to have unit test where it make sense as part of your code review process. Then that will become a practice in their day to day activities. Or as previously mentioned, establish a metric regarding code quality to measure if you are improving or not in that aspect and make it as part of your team goal.
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