Hi All,
I am facing a problem in
struts. My requirement is to check a checkbox automatically when the form is loaded. In HTML, We can do the same by following code.
<input type="checkbox" name="product" value="Rice">
<input type="checkbox" name="product" value="Wheat" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="product" value="Sugar">
The above html code will show three checkboxes with second check boxes as checked. Same thing i want to perform using struts. But unable to do it.
<html:checkbox property="product" value="Rice" />
<html:checkbox property="product" value="Wheat" checked="true" />//Error as no property like checked.
<html:checkbox property="product" value="Sugar" />
Please help as it is very urgent.
Thanks in advance.
Jatinder Arora.