Preston Thornton wrote:Are you kidding? Heck yeah! I am trying to learn J2EE but I keep looking at this 1000+ page tutorial and loose heart. I think they are paying more for Flex developers than J2EE, but you need the J2EE in order to utilize the BlazeDS for remote object access.
Here is learn flex in a week:
Preston Thornton
Flex Hype Man . . .
R. Grimes wrote:I absolutely love the Java/Flex combination. I'm a big fan of Flex on the client-side. In my opinion, Adobe rules the client-side on so many levels. And, nothing beats Java on the server side. You can't go wrong by learning Flex. Besides, with Java under your belt, learning Flex's AS3 will be a snap. There's VERY little difference between the syntax. Data types are different, and method signatures are switched up a bit:
public String getCustomerWidgetName(int customerNumber)
public getCustomerWidgetName(customerNumber:int):String
There's a few other things that differentiate it, but, for me, the learning curve with Flex was pretty short.
The biggest difference is probably that classes can also be expressed as MXML (a flavor of XML). It's a bit odd to getting used to the idea that you can create and instantiate a class with properties and methods expressed as XML elements. For example,
var myCanvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
myCanvas.x = 10;
myCanvas.y = 10;
<mx:Canvas id="myCanvas" x="10" y="10" />
They both create a new Canvas and set properties. Once you learn to view MXML as another class creation mechanism, a lot of the mystery disappears.
Ron Grimes
Paul Sturrock wrote:
My biggest issue with Flex as a GUI technology is you need to write behaviour normally available in the browser yourself in MXML/AS components. There are a whole raft of things you tend to rely on when writing HTML/JavaScript applications that you don;t have in Flex. I agree, small. very visual applications can be quickly written in Flex, but be wary of the hidden effort Flex also implies.
I'm not really sure what you have to code in Flex that is otherwise available in the browser. Nor, am I sure what "whole raft of things" there are in HTML/JS that is unavailable to Flex apps. And, I've certainly never limited my Flex apps to "small" apps. I've been writing in Flex since 2006, and I've just not found any of your assertions to be true.
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