but it fails right there at the Class.forName. I read that I needed to set the CLASSPATH so I did, both for the system and for me the user...
classpath = .;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\ext\QTJava.zip;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext\QTJava.zip;C:\jars\classes12.jar
but I am still getting this exception. What else should I do?
and I got the classNotFoundException again so I am guessing that I don't have the variable set correctly but it appears to be. What else could I do. I am a windows machine and set the variable by going to properties of my computer and editing the classpath variable.
classes12 in the jar file? Yes. It is about 1500kb in size and is there.
Tried running it from jdeveloper-I haven't used jdeveloper in years so it could be that there is something to set up that I don't know about. I am trying to research that now.
Now that's a different problem. JDeveloper is probably not using your environment variable. I think you have to configure the libraries used by your program in JDeveloper. Something like this ?