Hi all,
I know this question has probably been asked a thousand times; but, I need to really understand this quickly.
When a resultSet is returned with a fetchsize = 1000, <i>for example</i>, where is the data that matched the query?
1. Is it in the JVM memory (all 1000 rows)?
2. Is it on the database server and retrieved one row at a time by the the next invocation on the ResultSet object?
3. some other mechanism?
Also, if a query produced 10,000 row matches against a specific table and the fetchsize = 1000, how is the next group of 1000 rows acquired by the resultSet...I have read the
java docs and a number of other sources and frankly, I am more confused now than when I started.
I thought that the ResultSet was a cursor...and that it was an index into a row oriented collection of data that is in the database memory and that when next is invoked on the ResultSet in the jvm, it moves a row of data from the db server to the JVM memory. I have been told this is NOT true.
Please help.
Your help is much appreciated and if you can state things simply then I can understand better.
Thank you,