directly from core java to struts 2, although not as much problem..but i hope you have basic understanding of Servlet technology, JSP.If not it is recommended that first you should go through jsp and servlets - use Head First JSP servlets. then you can switch to Struts 2. Read the struts FAQ page.
I'm agree with shukla raghav' option. basically,servlet is the basic element of struct,you'd better work on servlet and jsp before other framework(like struct,spring),so you will be better.
I have the same question. I have these pdfs with me right now..
1) John Wiley and Sons - Jakarta Struts for Dummies.pdf
2) Struts 2 Design and Programming (2008) 2ndEd.pdf
5) Mastering Jakarta Struts.pdf
6) Programming Jakarta Struts.pdf
I am confused which book i should start reading. I have basic understanding of JSP/Servlet (THanks to HF). I am confused coz some books use struts 1 some use struts 2 and both have some difference in them. I was thinking of starting from dummies book which is struts 1 and then go to Appress novice to professional. Please anyone can help me in deciding.?
you should understand the basics from any buk i have reffered struts complete reference
& then to start a project go to my eclipse-> help->helpcontents->myeclipse learning center(on left hand side)->web development->getting started->struts 1.x
this will help you to understand how to start a program simply but before that make your concepts very very clear you should know concepts of struts atleast
You can start learning basic concepts from . It is good for beginners. then after sometime you can switch to manning struts 2 in action. Also "Google" is our best friend. This is the book i have read and i also recommend it to you "Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial by Budi Kurniawan". The book is very very good