posted 13 years ago
This means that when the Spring container tried to create the class com.jpmam.client.smp.loader.web.UploadFileController, a NoClassDefFoundError was thrown.
Lower down there's more specific information about where the error was thrown -
So at line 103 in the UploadFileController, it tries to call init() on an XlsReader instance, and inside init() it calls loadAndConfigureProperties(), and on line 58 inside that method the NoClassDefFoundError is being thrown. NoClassDefFoundError usually means that a JAR got left off the classpath that the app needs to run, or that some configuration that specifies a class name is misspelled. Basically it means the JVM tried to load a class, and couldn't find the .class file it needed.
Write once, run anywhere, because there's nowhere to hide! - /. A.C.