First of all let me just say I do not expect you to read all of this code haha.
And also thanks I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Also i've not bothered with packages yet. I will do that at the end cause it makes compiling difficult as I use the command line.
My program is getting pretty big. I'm trying to copy the minesweeper application on windows 7 exactly. The minesweeper game was simple and I've had the abilties to do that kind of thing for a while now. But all the options and different frames needed has got complicated. And application has a surprising amount to it because it gives the user so much flexibility. I need so many of the objects to communicate with each other it feels like they all know about each other.
A lot of this code probably won't compile at the moment cause I'm in the middle of making drastic changes which meant breaking it. And a lot of it would be edited to make it more readable and simplify it. But this lets you get an idea of all the classes and how i'm passing objects to each other. And what classes I need.
I need to start over don't I? lol
It's just I need the JPanel class for drawing. I need the class that also handles all the application menus. And I'm not sure whether to make any of these classes the basic game class as well. And if not how to make sure the classes know about each other because they seem to all need to pass things back and fourth.
This first class is bascially the main frame which has menus and such. Which also keeps track of the window size which lets the PlayPanel class know how big to make everything. So everything can be resized at anytime.
This class started out as just being the JPanel that draws everything and takes the mouse events but now it's kind of turned into a main game class. So with this and the class above it's kind of like I have to main classes. Which seems wrong.
This is my own timer class which shortened the amount of code I needed in the PlayPanel class.
This is the Frame that pops up when the game is over. Ignore all the
Thread stuff I was just trying something which I will be scrapping.
This class if for all the options in the game. It also brings up an options window. Later I plan to make lots of methods in the PlayPanel class use the Options variables.
And now for all the Stats classes that I'm currently working on.