In Facelets prior to
JSF 2, composition components were fairly easy to use and understand. I must say, such is not the case any longer with the same feature in JSF 2. Here is my problem:
One use I made of composition components in Facelets (JSF 1.2) was to encapsulate the repetitive coding needed for columns in a dataTable. I cannot seem to get this to work at all in JSF 2. I understand that there is a <composition:facet> tag, a <composition:insertFacet> tag and a <composition:renderFacet> tag. I cannot find a single example anywhere as to how these tags would be used. I'd
like to do something like this:
And have the client page use it this way:
Obviously with values passed in to represent the beans properties to be displayed. I have had no luck doing this, and was wondering if anyone on this forum has enough experience to tell me (a) how this might be done, and (b) what the general use of the facet tags is.
Thanks for any help in advance