You now have a couple of options:
1- Keep the multiple forms design of the page, and for each product, have both a delete button and an "update this product" button for each product. This way when the update button is pressed, the action will have access to both the product ID and the amount. This is the only way I see it for you to avoid using JavaScript.
2- Bite the bullet and use some JavaScript. In my experience, it is nearly impossible to create a robust, friendly user interface without the use of at least some JavaScript. Here's a possible solution:
Redesign your ActionForm so that one of the properties is of type java.util.List, and contains a list of products.
You should have a Product class with has an ID and an amount property.
Change your
JSP back to using a single <html:form> tag pair for the entire document and use indexed properties for the product ID and amount. Read
this link to understand how to use indexed properties. Your property attribute will look something like: property='<%="product["+index+"].id" %>'
Add a single hidden field to the form to contain the product ID of the product to be deleted if one of the delete buttons is pressed. Change your delete buttons from submit buttons to a regular buttons (<html:button>) and have the onclick event of those buttons place the current product Id (the product ID just preceding the delete button) into the deleted product ID field. Then have it submit the form. This way your Action class can tell which product should be deleted.
[ February 24, 2006: Message edited by: Merrill Higginson ]