[color=blue]Hi All,
I need help in debugging my issue with ca Siteminder login.fcc connection with javax.net.ssl.HTTPSURLConnection
java client.
I am creating HTTPSURLConnection client and POST ing my request with valid USER, PASSWORD and target parameter to
https://<myDomain>.com/siteminderagent/forms/login.fcc, actually I am expecting to get redirected to success (target) page or sucessful SMSESSION as a header response.
But instead siteminder is redirecting my request to unsuccessful/ invalid credentials page.
Following is my code snippet, Please see anybody an give me vital inputs to resolve this. Any help would be appreciated a lot.
Same program I wrote using Apache commons HTTPClient library, that worked fine, however we don't want to use Apache commons for this implementation.
Please help me in resolving this issue, as I got stuck in resolving this.[/color]