HI ..guys I'm not able to run the android example from android tutorials .
Here I'm attaching the error stack trace ..Please help me ..to resolve this ..
[2011-03-18 07:06:43 -
test] ------------------------------
[2011-03-18 07:06:43 - test] Android Launch!
[2011-03-18 07:06:43 - test] adb is running normally.
[2011-03-18 07:06:43 - test] Could not find test.apk!
[2011-03-18 07:06:55 - test] ------------------------------
[2011-03-18 07:06:55 - test] Android Launch!
[2011-03-18 07:06:55 - test] adb is running normally.
[2011-03-18 07:06:55 - test] Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!
I already googled it but could find a solutin for this ...I have reinstalled eclipse and also sdk ..agian ..please this is also of no help .....please guide me .
Thanks all..