Hi All.,
I am working with
Struts and i ran into a problem while trying to upload multiple files using struts tags.
<logic:iterate ....>
<html:file property="formFile" indexed="true"/>
<html:button property="Upload" indexed="true"/>
and in formBean
private FormFile formFile=null;
public FormFile getFormFile(){
return this.formFile;
public void setFormFile(FormFile formFile){
this.formFile = formFile;
for example the generated response has 10 browse buttons for uploading files., when i upload some file in the 10th "Browse" then its accepting a for all the remaining browse(textbox) buttons., nothing is getting uploaded into server,Infact its taking null values. The main problem is that i am unable to find an accurate mapping in as formBean property for the
jsp defined UI control.
Help me out.