Games, art, code:
Mark McKay wrote:I tried using <c:import>, but that won't let you submit expressions to the url parameter ...
Thanks And Regards
Goutam Chowdhury (Scjp1.4 86%,SCWCD5 94%)
Goutam Chowdhury wrote:
At the end of your JSP page Add these two lines and try
out = pageContext.pushBody();
For Information
Games, art, code:
Bear Bibeault wrote:There is no need for Java code on the JSP.
<c:import> should work just fine.
Games, art, code:
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Mark McKay wrote:I tried using <c:import>, but that won't let you submit expressions to the url parameter ...
The documentation seems to say otherwise.
Games, art, code:
Mark McKay wrote:The docs may say otherwise but Netbeans/Tomcat refuses to let me put an expression there. Below are my test case and error:
Bear Bibeault wrote:
Mark McKay wrote:The docs may say otherwise but Netbeans/Tomcat refuses to let me put an expression there. Below are my test case and error:
That's because you are mixing scriptlets expressions with the JSTL.
Drop the scriptlets. All of them. Now. Scriptlets have been discredited for almost 10 years now and their use in JSP pages is irresponsible at this point.
Dynamic expressions should be expressed with the EL.
Aside from mixing technologies that won;t work well together, the file fragment should be named .jsp, not .jspf. The latter are not processed as JSP pages.
Games, art, code:
Games, art, code:
Games, art, code:
If I redeploy or restart my server, is there a way to have my web app immediately register with that singleton?
Stefan Evans wrote:Certainly there is.
In your web.xml file you can configure a servlet to be loaded at at startup.
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