I have a question and i would realllly appreciate it if someone can help me..
I have a web application, JSP+Servlet+Agent&Normal
Java classes that will work in the background.
The code should do some process and show result to a user.. and for example ask you the user to select from a list an option, based on user's selection another process will take off.
Anyways.. now this interaction or the results that the java class will show to user, i have used System.out.println(); to show them to the user ...
I need them to be shown in a
JSP or HTML and then the user can interact with it..
The issue is a java class call an html to pass a question or a result, and then take back an answer to same java class so it can be resumed working..
I have searched for an example but no luck!
I have tried something too, is that from the java class, i call a dynamic
Servlet ( i would call it), which will be willing to take whatever question .. pass it to a jsp and take back the result to the java class.. but it didnt work too..
I would really appreciate it if someone can suggest something..
Thanks in advance,