I am creating a new project using Spring, GWT,
Tomcat. I have created ant file which creates directory and deploys it to Tomcat server... as mentioned here
The problem is i can access all spring URLs without any issue..
When i try to access the gwt part the HTML page, i can see what ever written in html but it doesnt makes call to the server for ajax things.. i see the gwt_test.nocache.js file is created properly but it doesnt gets any call from HTML..
following is the call
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="test_gwt/test_gwt.nocache.js"></script>
which looks fine to me...
in short the problem is ... i dont see nay ajax or
java script stuff happening when i make a call all i see is static html thing written on web page...
Am i missing any configuration which is required for running gwt project on Tomcat...
Did any one deployed same kind of project on tomcat and can share it with me.. please do so.. its urgent
following versions i am using.. GWT 2.2, apache-tomcat-6.0.26, ant, spring 2.0.8
any help will be highly appriciated...