Hi guys,
I have a problem trying to process a form which is inside a
jsp page under WEB-INF.
My environment: NetBeans 6.9, GlassFish 3.1,
Struts 1.3.8
There are a lot of situations (googling for 2 days) almost like mine but not exactly, this is a link to an example which is almost like mine and it works:
the only difference is that in the example from the above link, the jsp which contains the html:form is outside WEB-INF, but in my case, I have to keep it in WEB-INF and it is not working anymore
After I do everything and I make the deployment, I do the following:
- input the address:
http://localhost:8080/MyStrutsApp/loginn and the login form appears
- then I fill in some input, I press Login and I get a 404 Error
Can you please have a look on my code and give some ideas?
- this bean is implemented in package com.myapp.struts; I can list it if you need