Hi everyone,
The instructions state: "The program must be able to work in a non-networked mode. In this mode, the database and GUI must run in the same VM and must perform no networking, must not use loopback networking, and must not involve the serialization of any objects when communicating between the GUI and database elements. The operating mode is selected using the single command line argument that is permitted. Architecturally, this mode must use the database and GUI from the
networked form, but must not use the network server code at all. " The words "networked form" are throwing me for a bit of a loop. Currently in my application, if the user selects "Remote" from a pop up window, the RMI server is started and the database is accessed via the remote methods. If the user chooses "Direct", no server connection is created and the database is accessed via the methods provided in the interface. It seems to me that I have this implemented correctly. However, when Oracle states that "the program must be able to work in non-networked mode...and must use the database from the networked form" it seems contradictory, or at least not clear to me.
Since I am
testing this on my own computer, the Remote connection uses a loopback call and is told where to look for the database (on my computer), whereas the Direct connection simply accesses the database file wherever I tell it it is. Have I missed something?