I have passed part I last year (not a high score). Just yesterday, I heard that Oracle added the requirement of course attendance (I know I'm too late on this), so I'm wondering if it is reasonably possible to get part II and III done including getting the assignment questions, writing the design, submitting the work, preparing for part III and sitting part III essay exam all in three months, plus half a month potentially for resubmission.
Given that I have 9 years commercial experience as developer, technical lead and some architect responsibilities in Telco, Finance and Internet industries, and am currently doing a full time job for one of the top investment banks in a reasonably stressful (or responsible) environment, but I have no experience with airlines system (I guess that's currently the part II is about, correct me if I'm wrong). I can possibly spend around 6 hours after work time per week on the exam, otherwise my wife and son may complain

I'd like to consult someone who has experience with part II and III whether three and half months time is reasonable for completing part II and III with my situation. I have other things to do, so I want to prioritise taking the exam compared with other business when the extra cost is taking place for the certificate after 1st August.
Thanks in advance!