I am using Glassfish v3.
I followed many tutorials but i am not able to make a remote connection. Please tell me am i going in correct direction:
1) I created administered object (Connection factory and Destination(for QUEUE)).
2) Physical Destination name in administered object destination is same as in Configuration destination name (tQueue is name)
1) I am confused about additional properties(AddressList), how to put and where to put, at client 1(poroducer) or 2(consumer)? What Ip address have i to put
mq://host:7676 or any more attribute to be added. And in which additional property i have to put this? in configuration part or JMSresources/ConnectionFactories part
2) in configuration i have changed default local host, ip address of remote system and port 7676 when i Ping it gives connection refused. Don't know why
what settings i have to do on other system to which i am connecting.
I have followed many tutorials, i am not able to get through whole settings, i have done changed and doing all this for last 10 Days.
Please Help!!!Guide me