Consultant, Sima Solutions
Originally posted by hasina kumar:
I am not using ActionForm bean. I am using DynaActionForm.
Originally posted by hasina kumar:
Also i cannot specify "progress.jsp" within setTimeOut javaScript function. I just get "Page Not found".
Consultant, Sima Solutions
In that case, simply define the ActionForm name to the Action that starts the thread, so that Struts will instantialte the DynaActionForm and pass it to the execute(). You can then cast it as a DynaActionForm and pass it via a setter to the status bean. In a situation like this, though, I find it easier to work with a subclass of ActionForm. That way I'm able to instantiate the form bean whenever I want. The disadvantage to a DynaActionForm is that Struts has to instantiate it.
Consultant, Sima Solutions
Consultant, Sima Solutions
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