hello all...
How can i use ArrayList property in DynaValidatorAtionForm?
I've a combo box , where multiple selection is allowed... say customers. I want to store those selected values to a ArrayList which is defined in struts-config.xml
I'm using this....
<html:select property="customers" multiple="true" size="3">

ptions collection="usersBean" property="users"/>
(usersBean is
java bean , where i've the list of customers to populate)
and 'customers' is a proeprty in DynaValidatorActionForm.
<form-property name= "customers" type= "java.util.ArrayList"/>
when I add this property to my struts-config.xml , application is throwing exception...
SEVERE: Error creating form bean of class org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid property name 'customers'
I'm not able to figure out the cause...
what could be the problem?
or any other way to accomlish this task??
Thanks in advance