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SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
Luan Cestari wrote:(...) that I understood that it is like SCBCD for Java EE 6 (like an updated version) (I'm not pretty sure if it is this way).
Luan Cestari wrote:Would be the "EJB in action, 2nd edition" the best book to study for both cases or which book would be for exam with EJB 3.1?
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Luan Cestari wrote:I felt a little confused as in the ranch's link show JPA2 to study for the SCBCD.
Luan Cestari wrote:I'll follow your suggestion and buy the O'Reilly Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 and read the specs ( A comment about it, I love to read the specs due they are very clear and go really deep in the topic, as supposed to be). I read a bit of those specs last year but I'll study them very hard to pass ;)
Luan Cestari wrote:. Hmm one more question: oracle didn't put a requirement to do any trainning for this exam yet, right? (I remeber that Oracle changed some exams's requirement to need it)
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Please, visit me for some cool tech post at
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Can you smell this for me? I think this tiny ad smells like blueberry pie!
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