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XML file NOT well-formed in Tomcat 6 same file IS well-formed in Tomcat5.5

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I am migrating a servlet based legacy application from Tomcat 5.5.27 to Tomcat 6.0.26. The same JDK is being used in both tomcat versions, 1.6.0_20. All environments are Windows 32bit OS.

This legacy app uses XML to pass data back to the browser as the response from a Servlet. There are no defined DTDs in use. The data is coming from a SQLServer database.

For occasional cases, it seems to me to be cases when the XML file is relatively large, the file is being treated by the browser (both Firefox or IE) and Tomcat6 as not well-formed xml. I am pretty sure it IS well-formed when it arrives, I am validating it right before passing it back to the browser. I am also writing it to a file, so I can grab it as needed and one is included below. I am assuming it is getting truncated, but I don't know how to validate that. (so guidance for debugging this would also be welcome)

When deploying the same war file on tomcat 5.5 and using the same browsers, same db instance, same jdk, this error has NOT been encountered. This is why I am assuming its related to Tomcat6 somehow.

The original developer ( I am not the author) used this particular technique to move all kinds of data around and this seems to be a new problem that arises with the migration to Tomcat6

Here is an excerpt of the servlet code that produces the xml. I am also including code I recently added to write the XML to file, then parse the file (to save it and satisfy myself that its well-formed before heading back to the browser).

Document documentInstance = new Document();

// .... build the xml document out here

PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(documentInstance);
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
transformer.transform(source , result );

//new code added to legacy code to write to file, and to validate the document.
String xmlFileName = "Temporary.xml";
// a utility class to write xml to file
XMLFileWriter fileWriter = new XMLFileWriter();
fileWriter.writeFile(xmlFileName, documentInstance );
// a utility class to parse the xml
DOMParserCheck domParserCheck = new DOMParserCheck();
if (!domParserCheck.isWellFormedXmlDocument(xmlFileName)) {
log.error("Not well-formed XML document");

Here is an excerpt from an XML response that was written to file right before leaving the Servlet.doGet method. This particular xml content throws a not well-formed error when it gets to the browser and Tomcat 6 (but not Tomcat5.5). Note that the version that gets written to file (as you see below) uses indentation, the one going back to the server does not. That is the only difference in the content between the file and the response versions as far as I know.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<Claims Quantity="1">
<Claim number="76">
<ClaimMemberName>Rita J. Thomas </ClaimMemberName>
<ClaimInsuredName>Cardunal Savings Bank, as Trustee </ClaimInsuredName>
<ClaimDefect>The general real estate taxes for the year 2003 are unpaid, sold, and the tax buyer has obtained a tax deed. The commitment and policy do not contain exceptions for the 2003 tax delinquency. </ClaimDefect>
<Policies Quantity="2">
<ClaimPolicy number="76">
<PolicyIssuedBy>Rita J. Thomas </PolicyIssuedBy>
<ClaimPolicy number="76">
<PolicyIssuedBy>Rita J. Thomas </PolicyIssuedBy>
<PolicyPriors Quantity="0"/>
<PolicyPins Quantity="1">
<ClaimPolicyPin number="76">
<Payments Quantity="14">
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Kane County Circuit Clerk</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Hinshaw & Culbertson</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Hinshaw & Culbertson</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<ClaimRegister number="76">
<PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee>
<PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus>
<Dispositions Quantity="5">
<ClaimDisposition number="76">
<DispositionEntryText>Under investigation. </DispositionEntryText>
<ClaimDisposition number="76">
<DispositionEntryText>Our investigation has disclosed that the insured land trustee was served with the Petition for Tax Deed but did not promptly notify ATG. In fact, ATG was notified by the beneficiary of the insured land trust more than one and a half years after the redemption period expired. ATG has denied liability to the land trustee and its beneficiary because of the prejudice ATG suffered by the failure of the insured to promptly notify ATG. ATG paid $24.25 for copies of documents from the tax deed proceeding. This is a closed file.</DispositionEntryText>
<ClaimDisposition number="76">
<DispositionEntryText>This file has been re-opened because the beneficiary of the insured land trust has filed a declaratory judgment action against ATG. ATG has retained William J. Holloway of Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP to represent ATG in defending against the declaratory judgment action. </DispositionEntryText>
<ClaimDisposition number="76">
<DispositionEntryText>ATG's insured has also named the seller in the declaratory judgment action, alleging breach of warranty of title and fraud. The seller has tendered the defense to ATG. ATG has declined the seller's tender of defense and has denied liability to the seller. Mr. Holloway has changed firms and is now located at Cassiday Schade LLP. Mr. Holloway will continue to represent ATG at his new firm. ATG has paid $5,412.81 in attorney's fees, court costs and related expenses to date.</DispositionEntryText>
<ClaimDisposition number="76">
<DispositionEntryText>The seller has filed a counterclaim against ATG and Mr. Holloway has filed a motion to dismiss the seller's counterclaim. ATG has paid $7,868.51 in attorneys' fees, court costs and related expenses to date. </DispositionEntryText>
<MemoToFiles Quantity="49">
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Hello, this is attorney Phyllis Perko, telephone number 847.426.4555. I sent a claim on behalf of a client by a letter dated May 22, 2009. The Policy Number is 23458398. Please give me a call about the status of the claim and further action that needs to be taken on the matter. Again, Phyllis Perko, P-E-R-K-O, 847.426.4555. Policy No. 23458398 regarding an insured Trust No. 98446 established at Cardunal Savings Bank. Thank you, Bye-bye. (v-mail message at 06/05 at 10:56 a.m.; transcribed 06/08 at 8:27 a.m.)</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>RSD 08.10.09 - Claim 09-076, this is the file you sent me an e-mail thinking it was incompletely set up; if it is I can't tell in what way it is. Please send me a clarificational e-mail to let me know. I'm going to set up the file it, as, assuming that it's correct and sufficient. So, here we go, defect and disposition. Claim reserve, Settlement reserve: $100,000 [x] at this point. We, it'll probably be more than that but, I don't have enough, quite enough information to make a determination and please reschedule it for two months. Two letters: one to Phyllis J. Perko and then a letter to Rita Thomas (issuing agent).
[dictated at 8:56 a.m.; transcribed at 2:56 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>The other claim I dictated a claim reserve on this morning, $100,000; that will be under Unknown because I'm still trying to determine why the 2003 taxes weren't paid; so, please make sure that, I don't have the claim number but it's the one involving Rita Thomas, I believe was the agent that issued the policy. [dictated at 10:36 a.m.; transcribed 06/10 at 8:34 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>But, ARB and I were talking about several claims, including the Jason Fischer, but more importantly, he suggested that on that Rita Thomas claim [09-076] where there's a tax deed problem that I could perhaps ask CMS to check the tax deed filing, the tax deed petition filing in the court so we could make a determination about whether we have any defenses against Mr. Gacke and his enforcement. So, whatever that Rita Thomas claim was, put that note in there to remind me to ask CMS to check for the file. [dictated at 11:03 a.m.; transcribed 06/10 at 2:21 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I just had a 20-minute telephone conversation with Phyllis Perko. She said that she checked the court file and she found out that Cardunal, the insured's trustee, was, in fact, served with the notice of the tax deed proceeding and apparently did not notify Ms. Perko's client. I told her that ATG's just beginning its investigation and we're trying to find out how we missed it and we were going to look into the court case and find out issues that she was discussing. Everything else appears to be in order. It looks like the tax deed order was entered in or around September of 2007; so, a petition under the Code of Civil Procedures, §2-1401 could be brought within two years after that time but, under the Tax Code, the Revenue Code there is a lot of limitations on what the topic of petition to re-open a judgment can be within that two-year period and Ms. Perko and I discussed at length, or at some length. Would you please contact the Circuit Clerk of Kane County, Illinois and see if we can obtain a copy of all of the documents and the docket in the tax deed filing, which was Kane County, Illinois No. 07-TX-77. Those numbers are on the tax deed. If not, we will, I'll probably ask CMS to go check there; that's what I was going to talk to CMS about but, Ms. Perko said she looked at it. She did not make copies of anything. She did make notes about it but those notes are hers and I'm not going to ask her for those. Also, please put in a $10,000 legal reserve on Claim 09-076. I thought I had probably dictated that but it doesn't show up on the transcript; so a $10,000 legal. [dictated at 4:16 p.m.; transcribed 06/11 at 11:30 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>DLP spoke to Alyssa at the Kane County Circuit Clerk's Office (630.232.3413) who told DLP that in order to obtain a copy of the tax deed proceedings, DLP would have to either fax (630.232.3419) a request, the Clerk's office would process it and send a fax back to DLP to fill out with the credit card number, fax it back to them, and then they would process it once the credit card number cleared. DLP can also request it in writing; the Clerk's office would call with an amount, DLP would send the check with a self-addressed stamped envelope and then once the check cleared, the Clerk's office would process the order and that a 7% handling fee would be added to the charge, plus there would be no postage fee. Alyssa said faxing would cut the delivery time by a few days, from a week and a half to almost a week. Alyssa gave DLP the following fees: $4/page for the docket sheet and for copying the documents it is $2/first page, plus $0.50/page up through 20, and $0.25/page thereafter. Because DLP did not know the time-frame that MKB wanted the documents, she sent him an e-mail (a copy of which is in the file) asking him which way DLP should order the documents because ATG does not have a credit card and either his or LW's would have to be used to order it by fax. </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>From Champaign Operator (Linda Robertson): This was a message that was left at the operator's station for the Claims Department. Thanks. This is Rita Thomas. I'm calling for Mike Brandt regarding the file he wrote to me about, Cardunal Savings Bank. Our claim, Your Claim No. 09-076, My phone number is 847.426.7990. (v-mail message at 1:11 p.m.; transcribed at 3:04 p.m.)
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>I just had a v-mail message from Rita Thomas. She said she was calling on, again on Claim 09-076. I don't know what that means because that's definitely the first call I ever got from her, maybe she called the claims mailbox. She asked me to call her at 847.426.7990. [dictated at 1:48 p.m.; transcribed 06/18 at 9:39 a.m.] NOTE: Ms. Thomas called on 06.15.09 but MKB had not gotten to those calls yet. </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I called Rita Thomas and she said that she missed the tax delinquency from 2003 in her search. So, we need to put that under the claim category Member I, Search because she did the search personally, and I'm still waiting or we're still waiting for the clerk to send us the file so we can see who got served when. It's possible that we're going to have a defense against the insured owner and the beneficiary of the land trust that is the insured owner and that's Ms. Perko's client but I may have to send this to Robert E. Ellis for his consideration. Under that claim there is or in that claim summary report, that's in the front of the file, the policy information does not appear correctly. It's, I don't know what, how that happened. Could you please either fix it or investigate why it didn't do it and get it fixed through Information Services, if necessary. [dictated at 9:44 a.m.; transcribed at 3:56 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>RSD 09.14.09 - Claim 09-076, I spent a half an hour this morning reviewing this file and the court case. I'm going to do a letter to Phyllis Perko about our continuing investigation. I also called her at 847.426.4555 but my call was picked up by her v-mail so I left a message asking her to call me. Here's the letter. That file is, 09-076, is scheduled for August 10th. Please reschedule it now for one month from August 10th. [dictated at 8:52 a.m.; transcribed at 1:41 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76, since I know Phyllis Perko knows how to follow up on these things I am going to assume that she has agreed with our, my analysis that we are not probably not liable to the insured, so I am going to do a new Disposition to close the file. Please reduce both the settlement reserve and the legal reserve to 0. Our investigation has disclosed that the insured land trustee was served with the petition for tax deed but did not advise - promptly notify ATG. In fact, ATG was notified by the beneficiary of the insured land trust more than 1 ½ years after the redemption period expired. ATG has denied liability to the land trustee and its beneficiary because of the prejudice ATG suffered by the failure of the insured to promptly notify ATG. ATG paid $24.25 for copies of documents from the tax deed proceeding. This is a closed file. Would you please send a copy of my July 27, 2009 letter to Rita Thomas, the member that issued the policy, so she knows what the status of this claim is and ATG's basis for denial. (dictated 09/17/09 at 10:26 a.m.; transcribed by jd 09/21/09 at 11:35 a.m.; 09/22 DLP transferred to claim file, reduced all reserves, closed file & sent Ms. Thomas a copy of MKB's 07/27/09 letter to Ms. Perko, a copy of the transmittal is in the file)</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Phone Message: Hi this is attorney, Phylllis Perko on claim no. 09-076. I previously had a correspondence from MKB my telephone number is 847-426-4555 claim 09-076. [recvd. 6.28.10 at 2:52 p.m.; mb transcribed at 3:40 p.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I called Phyllis Perko in response to a v-mail message she left here on June 28, 2010. She was not in so I left a message with the person after the receptionist, I believe it's probably Ms. Perko's administrative assistant, and told her that I was returning Ms. Perko's call and gave her my phone number and the information about Ms. Perko's client's name and the claim number and asked her to ask Ms. Perko to call me. [dictated at 10:52 a.m.; transcribed at 11:23 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Hello this is Attorney Phyllis Perko return MKB telephone call our claim number is 09-076. I expect to be in the office the rest of the day area code 847.426.4555. Thank you bye bye [received 6.30.10 at 1:16 p.m.; mb transcribed at 1:58 p.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I called Phyllis Perko at 847.426.4555 but the receptionist said that Ms. Perko was on another call so I left a message with the receptionist asking Ms. Perko to call me. If she calls back and leaves a message, would you please contact her office and find a time for us to call so we don't continue to miss each other. The times I have available are 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 1st, or 10 a.m. on Friday, July 2nd. [dictated at 2:19 p.m.; transcribed at 4:37 p.m.] </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Phyllis Perko returning Mike Brandt's telephone call on Claim 09-075. My telephone number 847.426.4555.Thank you, bye-bye (v-mail message at 2:43 p.m.; transcribed at 4:42 p.m.)</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>DLP returned Ms. Perko's call and scheduled MKB to call Ms. Perko on Thursday, July 1, 2010, at 2 p.m. at her office, 815.426.4555. See meeting notice in file. </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I had a 20-minute telephone conversation with Phyllis Perko at 847.426.4555. She said that it's likely that she's going to hire - I mean, I'm sorry - that she's going to file a declaratory judgment action against ATG on the basis that we are liable to her client and/or to the insured trustee. I tried to dissuade her from that but I noted in my review of the file as we were talking that the commitment for title insurance was, showed her client, Mr. Warczak, as the proposed insured and while that may not be a fatal problem with respect to any defense ATG has that we're not liable to the beneficiary of the land trust at least it's a factor or may be a factor. The ultimate liability issue I think will turn on whether the failure of Cardunal Savings Bank to notify ATG of the tax deed proceeding is fatal to any claim and I think we have an excellent chance of success on that. Ms. Perko asked me if she would - if ATG would be willing to accept service without form, the formality of service and I said yes. I also told her that I would need to investigate who we might hire as counsel for that defense and it's likely we'd try to contact Hinshaw & Culbertson but, that remains to be seen. I'll talk to ARB about that. I did talk to CMS a little bit about that. Ms. Perko told me that the reason she is filing suit against ATG is that she's been unable to find any or get any progress in a case that she filed against, first of all, Park National Bank, which is the successor by merger or acquisition to Cardunal Savings Bank, the named insured on the ATG policy. The litigation was started against Park National and while that was pending Park National failed, was taken over by the FDIC, and the assets and perhaps the liabilities of that failed bank was acquired by US Bank. Now I'm not sure about any of these names other than the name of the insured because I don't have any paperwork on them but I do know that there's been plenty of bank failures and acquisitions, and as a result of those, the acquisition and the subsequent failure of the acquiring bank that Ms. Perko's litigation against the trustee that didn't notify her client or ATG of the tax deed proceeding that litigation has stalled. So, that's why she's suing ATG or threatening to sue ATG. I told her that ATG would be willing to pay $5,000 now if she would, if her client would release his claim and the claim of the Cardunal Savings Bank and whoever is their successor in interest and she said she would consider that but it's likely not enough money. The basis for the $5,000 offer that I made was that ATG might ultimately be liable for any amount that would have been payable in redemption from the 2003 tax sale that the agent apparently missed in the search. I need a note in the file that when I, when and if this file gets re-opened and we get sued I need to advise Rita Thomas of that because I had told her, written her a letter on September 22, 2009 about ATG's denial of liability; so, I need to let her know that that denial of liability may be coming back as a contested matter. [dictated at 2:32 p.m.; transcribed at 3:11 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>The next call I already dictated to Eileen about was Rita Thomas she called about claim 09-76 she also gave me her member number and policy number, none of which are particularly relevant other than the claim number which is 09-76. The message was that she wanted me to call that she heard somehow that the insured was suiting parties responsible, not sure how she found that out. I don't know why she thinks she needs to talk to me about that, she asked me to call her at 847.726.7990. I will call her next and dictate about whatever I find out from her, I probably will not need the file because I do remember talking to Phyllis Perko about it and that's probably will get some new information. Maybe. [dictated at 9:05; mb transcribed at 11:55 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>I just called Rita Thomas at 847.426.7990 she said that she received notice of the fact that ATG was sued together with the banks and the seller involved in the transaction and the banks involved in the trusteeship of the property. In the conversation she told me something that probably is going to cause ATG a huge problem she told me that an attorney-client privilege matter, but I asked her to send the original document to me. She said that after closing there was a communication from the county about the attempted payment of the 2004 taxes in an insufficient amount, like $25 or so, but in that notification, there was a document that reflected that something to the affect that there was a prior tax sale and she either didn't see that or ignored it, she doesn't recall what the circumstances were but that my adversely affect any defense that ATG has that we were unaware and not notified of the prior tax sale. We're going to be hiring counsel and I going to tender that to our counsel as a part of our defense and make sure we don't have any liability as a result of it is possible it will adversely affect any defect ATG may have. I asked her to send the original of the document that she received and keep a photo copy for herself but make a note in the file that the original was being entrusted to ATG for claim 09-076. At this point let me know if whether we received notification from Ms. Perko about the suit files against ATG because I need to make arrangements for counsel and that's going to take a huge amount of effort and I may even be able to talk to Bill Halloway about that on Thursday when I go to Chicago for the hearing on claim no. 05-035 in an unrelated matter. [dictated at 9:35; mb transcribed at 12:52 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim no. 09-76 I've had several conferences with people the past couple of weeks but don't know if I've seen anything coming in for Phyllis Perko come in pursuant to my agreement with her that ATF would accept service without, would waive service, would to hire counsel and enter an appearance, has that come in yet? If it has please put it with the file as normal but also scan it to me by email so I can review it and discuss it with Bill Holloway up in Chicago during my multipurpose meeting and hearing with him tomorrow, Thursday July 15, 2010. If we haven't received it send me that information to. [dictated at 9:54 a.m.; mb transcribed at 2:35 p.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Called Phyllis Perko at 847.426.4555 and told her that MKB is on vacation until tomorrow and that unfortunately her letter of July 2nd was just put with the file. MKB will review it upon return and contact her. I apologized for the delay. [placed 12:45 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>This is Rita Thomas calling on Claim No. 09-076. My number is 847.426.7990. I'd like to speak to Mr. Brandt, please. (v-mail message at 1:17 p.m.; transcribed at 4:47 p.m.)
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>RSD 01.24.2011 - Claim 09-076, we've got some work to do on this file to re-open it and set some reserves, reschedule, send a letter, etc., etc. So, let's get started. A new disposition. Please put in a legal reserve of $25,000 [x] and reschedule it for six months. I don't need to review it at the end of the year for claim or legal reserves and estimated reimbursement is zero. [x] And then, I'll do a letter to WJH, Federal Express. Send him copies of everything that's in the claim file except this stuff under the clip on the left; that stuff doesn't need to go to him yet but, the stuff that we got on the claim plus the policies that are under the clip on the right. [dictated at 1:40p.m.; transcribed at 3:19 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I called Rita Thomas in response to the v-mail message which she left me on July 20, 2010. The receptionist said that Ms. Thomas was not available because she was in court so I left a message with him asking that Ms. Thomas call me back. [dictated at 9:42 a.m.; transcribed at 10:23 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>This is Rita Thomas returning Michael Brandt's call. My number's 847.426.7990. (v-mail message 07/21 at 1:57 p.m.; transcribed 07/22 at 2:03 p.m.) SECOND MESSAGE: This is Rita Thomas calling on Claim No. 09-076. I'd like to speak to Mr. Brandt. My number's 847.426.7990. (v-mail message 07/21 at 3:36 p.m.; transcribed 07/22 at 2:04 p.m.)
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>This is Rita Thomas I am calling about claim number 09-076, my number is 847-426-7990.[received 7.22.10 at 3:08 p.m.; mb transcribed 7.23.10 at 7:44 a.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Linda Robertson advised DLP that Rita Thomas wanted to speak with someone because she had left several messages and heard nothing from anyone. DLP spoke to Ms. Thomas (847.426.7990) who asked if ATG was going to attempt to resolve this matter. DLP told her that ATG had retained WJH to represent ATG in this matter and she said that she needed to notify her former clients by Wednesday or they said they were going to file suit against her, as well. DLP told Ms. Thomas that DLP would let MKB know this. She will await a call from MKB.</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>And then, on Claim 09-076, I called Rita Thomas. She was calling because she thought that ATG would be willing or obligated to provide a defense on behalf of the seller, Grace Distilo, but I told her we were not. I said that if Ms. Distilo is going to make a formal claim then we need to respond to that but as of now our position is that ATG is not liable to her in any way to provide a defense or otherwise indemnify her against the litigation that Ms. Warczak has filed through his counsel, Phyllis J. Perko. [dictated at 10:54 a.m.; transcribed at 12:50 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Could you scan and e-mail the cover letter, e-mail to me the cover letter for the materials I sent to WJH on that claim that Phyllis Perko' client is involved in and I’ll forward it to WJH to ask him if he's had a chance to review, enter his appearance, or otherwise, deal with it or something. I'll craft the e-mail but, I need that scanned to forward to him. [dictated at 11:34 a.m.; transcribed at 3:12 p.m.] See e-mail to MKB in file.</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>WJH just called and left me a v-mail message. He wants to talk to me about the, the new case that I sent him. I don't know the claim number; I think it's from 09 and involves Phyllis Perko's client, Mr. Warczak, and I think Cardunal Savings Bank is ATG's insured, Cardunal Savings Bank, as Trustee. Could you please bring that file in to me with a note to call WJH at 312.704.3143. [dictated at 10:51 a.m.; transcribed at 3:10 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, I had a 20 or 25-minute telephone conversation, I believe that's the amount of time, I've lost track, with WJH. He raised the issue of a defense on the basis of the fact that the plaintiff is not an insured of ATG but, rather, is a beneficiary of the insured land trust. I told him that that's probably a viable defense; although, it might be limited and eventually decided unavailing because the ATG commitment for this transaction named him as a proposed insured. So, that probably although not necessarily limits our defense against him as a non-insured person. WJH will consider that and will consider whether or not to file an answer or a responsive motions; and then, he will communicate with Ms. Perko and keep me up to date in his handling of this claim. [dictated at 3:58 p.m.; transcribed 08/09 at 9:51 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, please scan the verification that's attached to the draft Answer and Affirmative Defenses that WJH sent me with his letter - with his e-mail on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at 3:07 p.m. And then, e-mail that to WJH with the following transmittal cover sheet. The draft Answer of ATGF to First Amended Complaint at Law which you sent to me by e-mail on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at 3:07 p.m. is satisfactory. Accordingly, attached is a scan of the Verification by Certification that I have signed on behalf of ATG. That should be the end of the transmittal cover. [dictated at 3:38 p.m.; transcribed at 4:20 p.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>ARB received a phone call from Stephen Cohen, attorney for the plaintiff, in connection with claim 10-14. Mr. Cohen advised that ATG had not yet entered an appearance in the case. CMS and ARB discussed. CMS was perplexed since on 11/8/10 CMS was advised by Mr. Holloway that he filed a motion to dismiss the case. CMS called Mr. Holloway to discuss this file. Mr. Holloway indicated that when CMS and Mr. Holloway spoke on 11/8/10, he was actually talking about the Cardinal Savings Bank claim (09-76). Mr. Holloway apologized and said that he was unable to find claim 10-14. Mr. Holloway asked for the contact information for the plaintiff's attorney. Mr. Holloway was going to call Mr. Cohen to get an extension to file an appearance. Mr. Holloway asked that CMS send the claim to him again, which CMS did. </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-076, would you please contact Kristy Kelly Singular and please give her a couple of pieces some information. Please ask her to correct on her future communication with ATG, the spelling of the name Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc., which is a relatively minor matter, but also ask her to refer - she has a blank for our file number, please ask her to put the file number File 09-076 so that we can locate this file in the future, both for telephone communications or not both but, telephone communications, e-mail communications, letters, faxes, etc. [dictated at 9:22 a.m.; transcribed at 10:16 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>RSD 07.25.2011 - Claim 09-076, we're getting this - this is a further follow on the dictation I just did on communicating with Ms. Singler about updating their records and correcting them. It's currently rescheduled for June, on January 24, 2011. Now that we've got it, things in order with our counsel, I'm sure we won't need to do anything between now and January 24, 2010 so please reschedule it for six months from January 24, 2011 and please add $25,000 to the legal reserve [x] because it looks like this is going to be a long hard fight with Mr. Warczak and his counsel. Of course, it's on the end of the year report already [yes, put on 07/20/10] and the amount of the reserve should show up whatever it is as of the end of the year so I don't need to review it again and we're not going to get any reimbursement from anybody. [dictated at 9:26 a.m.; transcribed at 10:20 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>DLP called Ms. Singler (312.444.1610) but the call was picked up by her v-mail and said if you needed to speak with someone to enter zero and ask for Dimitris (sp?) Martine. When DLP entered zero, believing that to be Ms. Singler's assistant, the message said it was not a valid number and took the call back to Ms. Singler's v-mail. Therefore, DLP left a message advising her of the correct spelling of Guaranty and asking her to put 09-076 as ATG's File No. or Claim number. DLP also said if she had any questions to call DLP at 217.403.0109. </MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 I going to do a new disposition about this development the seller making a claim against ATG. In the disposition we don't need to break down the attorneys fees some were paid to Hinshaw and some to Cassiday but we don't have to break it down. [dictated at 4:03 p.m.; mb transcribed at 4:21 p.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 I had a half an hour long telephone conversation with Bill Holloway concerning the Requests To Admit, and I suggested changes to paragraphs, or denials of paragraphs 1, 2, 10 and 11 based upon the fact that the, for Number 1, the policy was not completely incorporated into the Exhibit D. Number 2, that Rita Thomas was a title insurance agent of ATG, not just an agent. Number 10, that the expectations of Grace A. Distillo are beyond the knowledge of ATG and not relevant; and Number 11, the denial is based upon the fact that ATG was not aware of anything concerning what Rita Thomas would or would not do with respect to an affidavit of title. [dictated at 1:59 p.m.;aw transcribed on 3.9.11 at 8:16 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>I recently sent an email about the Cardunal Savings Bank claim and it is apparently spelled C-A-R-D-U-N-A-L because I looked up the claim number, which is, 09-76. I also notice that there is a prior claim under what I believe is the same policy insuring Cardunal Savings Bank, and I don't see a cross reference in this file, in 09-76, so we need to have cross references so we know that we've had other claims, and I need to see that other claim. And actually, I just did the search again and I see that it really wasn't the same policy, so the claim is not related. It just happens to be the same insured. So, never mind. [dictated at 8:19 a.m.;aw transcribed at 10:55 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>On Claim 09-76 I just have a ½ hour long telephone conversation with Bill Holloway concerning the Responses to Distillo Revised Request to Admit dated March 9, 2011, I suggested several changes. Mr. Holloway is going to make those, on the last page, that I have marked with a blue tape there is a verification document that needs to be corrected by changing my middle initial and corrections printed and it needs to be scanned and sent to Mr. Holloway by email for his use in file the Responses. [dictated at 2:21 p.m.; mb transcribed at 2:55 p.m.] corrections made and file sent back to MKB.

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 I called Bill Holloway, actually I sent Bill Holloway an email this morning. He called back while I was on the phone with Augie and left a message asking me to call him. I called Bill back at about 11:00 a.m. at 312.444.1675, but my call was picked up by his voice mail system, so I left a message asking him to call me. I told him if he was not able to get back to me this morning within the next twenty minutes or so, that he could leave me a message after that time about times he might be available next week. And I gave him the choice of several times. Monday, Tuesday, the 11th and 12th all day or Wednesday morning before noon time. [dictated at 11:23 a.m.;aw transcribed at 11:43 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 Bill Holloway is going to call me on Monday morning, either at 10:30 or 11:00. I had called him and left a message with a time, I don't remember what time it was, but he called me back and left me a message saying that he would call me at the time that I said I was available. So I, I think I said 10:30 or 11:00, so I've put it on my calendar at 10:30. I'll send a meeting request to Marian and Anne so they know that I'm going to be tied up at that time. I'm going to be tied up most of the morning now on phone calls, unfortunately. I also put this file back in my out basket, so that the message, various things I have dictated can be put in the memos to file and then the file can be brought back to me fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time for that 10:30 or 11:00 call. [dictated at 11:23 a.m.;aw transcribed at 11:47 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 I just spent the last hour and a half working on this file, including an hour and ten minute telephone conversation with Bill Holloway. We got through numerous portions of the huge volume of discovery that's being demanded of ATG, but we still have at least another hour of work to do. So would you please put on the calendar a meeting scheduling notice for me to call Mr. Holloway again tomorrow morning, Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Call Mr. Holloway at 312.444.1675 to attempt to finish off this huge volume of work. [dictated at 11:12 a.m.;aw transcribed at 11:31 a.m.]

<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 Bill Holloway and I just finished up 35 minutes of discussion on the last two of the seven discovery request documents that were submitted by the various parties to the litigation. Mr. Holloway's going to make numerous changes to the first drafts which he prepared and he's going to send them to me, not by email, but by regular mail or some other delivery service, not electronically, for final review and signature by me on seven different verifications for the respective documents. [dictated at 10:39 a.m.;aw transcribed on 4.14.11 at 8:48 a.m.]</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Alright I have to dictate a summary of the things that have been going on this morning on a couple of different, three or four different claims. First of all, I tried to call Bill Holloway at ten o'clock (10:00 a.m.) about claim 09-76 and all of the discovery documents that I believe are in final form now. I called and he was, my call was picked up by his voice mail so I left a message asking him to call me. While I was awaiting his return call I talked to Christine about another claim and I'll get back to that one, but when Bill called we talked about 09-76, but, he also wanted to talk about the Drews claim, which is claim 07-112. So I'm going to dictate about that first because I did not have that file and I won't remember what we talked about because I didn't have the file to reinforce the issues that he was discussing. (dictation on 07-112 followed/aw) Alright, now to 09-76. Mr. Holloway, and by the way that telephone conversation on the Drews claim took about half an hour. Another half an hour, actually, not it wasn't half, another twenty minutes we spent on the discovery materials, which I told him that I would sign and cause to be, the original documents, to be sent to him overnight for delivery tomorrow, April 21, 2011. So I've signed them, I'm going to put them in my out basket when I'm done with this dictation, and please send the originals that I've signed, all pages, not just the page I signed, but the entire document that my signature page is attached to, so that he has them and can send them, file them in court. He also said he's going to send it to the various parties of interest by email today to let them know that the signed copies would be delivered to them promptly, but they can have the, what the substance of the response is today, by email. I'm going to dictate a transmittal letter, but we also discussed the document entitled Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. Section 2-615 Motion To Strike The Distilo Counterclaim and the accompanying memorandum in support of that motion, which Bill Holloway sent to me on April 19, I'm sorry, April 18, 2011 at 4:16 p.m. I told him I reviewed it and found it satisfactory. He will file it. (continued in next MemoToFile/aw)</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>(continued from prior MemoToFile/aw) So here's the transmittal letter to Mr. Holloway at Cassiday Schade on at 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 1000, Chicago Illinois 60606. I want this sent by FedEx. It doesn't appear that I've sent a letter to Mr. Holloway at Cassiday Schade or anywhere really about this claim, maybe I don't have all of the files. I think I do. But anyway, let me just craft a new reference for the transmittal letter. (letter followed/aw) [dictated at 10:55 a.m.;aw transcribed at 1:47 p.m.]
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Sent a copy of the entire package up to the last correspondence received today 4.27.11 from CassidySchade LLP Kristy Kelly Singler. File sent FED EX</MemoToFileEntryText>
<ClaimMemoToFile number="76">
<MemoToFileEntryText>Claim 09-76 - I'm going to do a new disposition to show the fact that the seller has now filed a counterclaim against ATG. So here's the new disposition. (disposition followed/aw) [dictated at 1:25 p.m.;aw transcribed on 4.28.11 at 8:33 a.m.]
<Ticklers Quantity="4">
<ClaimTickler number="76">
<TicklerRemark>Status from Rita J. Thomas?</TicklerRemark>
<ClaimTickler number="76">
<TicklerRemark>Response from Phyllis Perko?</TicklerRemark>
<ClaimTickler number="76">
<TicklerRemark>Status from WJH</TicklerRemark>
<ClaimTickler number="76">
<TicklerRemark>Status </TicklerRemark>
<ReimbursementEfforts Quantity="0"/>
<Documents Quantity="1"/>
<ClaimDocument number="76">
<Comment>Email dated 10/4/2010 from CMS to MKB with correspondence ARB received from Kristy Kelly-Singler re status of case. [CMS].</Comment>

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How far does the browser get before declaring that the file is not well-formed?

Kay Casavant
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Bill, thank you for your reply.

the call to the servlet is sort of an AJAX call. I say sort of because it is an asynchronous call but the original developer (not moi) constructed some mechanisms to suspend any other work while we wait for the response - thereby making this synchronous. (guess you can put ajax on your resume this way)

The thing to remember here is that this behaves similarly in Firefox and IE when running the war on Tomcat6. That is to say it balks on the same XML files. Running the same war on Tomcat5.5 , all other major things being equal, works fine in both IE and Firefox. So my hypothesis so far is that it has something to do with Tomcat6. Although it has all the earmarks of a browser issue to me. So my naive thinking at this point, is that something that is different between Tomcat5.5 and Tomcat6 that is not able to handle and/or is truncating large-sized XML content (or perhaps just any response that is larger than a certain size). Perhaps I need to use some other XML parser/builder that works better with Tomcat6? so these are some lines of thinking I am pursuing right now.

the relevant javascript code snippets follow. I believe the point where the browser realizes that the XML is not well-formed is at line 40 in the code snippet below.

here is a cut and past of the contents of the alert window from line 26 above for the xml file I included in the original post:

handleClaimSearchHttpResponse() http600.responseText.length=[68262] http600.responseText=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><Claims Quantity="1"><Claim number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><ClaimStatus>Open</ClaimStatus><ClaimOpenDate>06-02-2009</ClaimOpenDate><ClaimCloseDate/><ClaimReopenDate>07-20-2010</ClaimReopenDate><ClaimPriorCloseDate>09-17-2009</ClaimPriorCloseDate><ClaimAttorney>MKB</ClaimAttorney><ClaimMemberNumber>2364</ClaimMemberNumber><ClaimMemberName>Rita J. Thomas </ClaimMemberName><ClaimName/><ClaimInsuredLastName>CARDUNAL</ClaimInsuredLastName><ClaimInsuredName>Cardunal Savings Bank, as Trustee </ClaimInsuredName><ClaimInsuredConsul/><ClaimReinsuranceDate/><ClaimCode/><ClaimLossType/><ClaimClosedFinancialPeriod>0</ClaimClosedFinancialPeriod><ClaimDefectDate/><ClaimDefect>The general real estate taxes for the year 2003 are unpaid, sold, and the tax buyer has obtained a tax deed. The commitment and policy do not contain exceptions for the 2003 tax delinquency. </ClaimDefect><ClaimState>IL</ClaimState><ClaimCounty>Kane</ClaimCounty><ClaimAnalysisCategory>Member</ClaimAnalysisCategory><ClaimAnalysisType>Search</ClaimAnalysisType><EstimatedReimbursement>0.0</EstimatedReimbursement><Policies Quantity="2"><ClaimPolicy number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PolicyNumber>10650891</PolicyNumber><PolicyType>OMC</PolicyType><PolicyTypeIndex>0</PolicyTypeIndex><PolicyDate>08-01-2005</PolicyDate><PolicyIssuedBy>Rita J. Thomas </PolicyIssuedBy><PolicyPropertyType/><PolicyCounty>Kane</PolicyCounty><PolicyState>IL</PolicyState><PolicyAmount>0</PolicyAmount><PolicyOfClaim>No</PolicyOfClaim></ClaimPolicy><ClaimPolicy number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PolicyNumber>23458398</PolicyNumber><PolicyType>OPA</PolicyType><PolicyTypeIndex>0</PolicyTypeIndex><PolicyDate>09-12-2005</PolicyDate><PolicyIssuedBy>Rita J. Thomas </PolicyIssuedBy><PolicyPropertyType/><PolicyCounty>Kane</PolicyCounty><PolicyState>IL</PolicyState><PolicyAmount>130000</PolicyAmount><PolicyOfClaim>Yes</PolicyOfClaim></ClaimPolicy></Policies><PolicyPriors Quantity="0"/><PolicyPins Quantity="1"><ClaimPolicyPin number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PolicyPinNumber>03-33-227-004</PolicyPinNumber><PolicyPinDigits>0333227004</PolicyPinDigits><PolicyPinPolicyNumber>23458398</PolicyPinPolicyNumber><PolicyPinPolicyType>OPA</PolicyPinPolicyType></ClaimPolicyPin></PolicyPins><Payments Quantity="14"><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>1</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Settlement</PaymentType><PaymentDate>06-09-2009</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>200906</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>100000.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>2</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>06-09-2009</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>200906</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>10000.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>3</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000192881</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>06-22-2009</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Kane County Circuit Clerk</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>200906</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>24.2500</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>24.25</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>4</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Settlement</PaymentType><PaymentDate>09-17-2009</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>200909</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>-100000.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>5</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>09-17-2009</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>200909</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>-9975.7500</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>6</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>07-20-2010</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201007</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>25000.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>7</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000404981</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>09-23-2010</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Hinshaw & Culbertson</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201009</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>1156.1200</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>1156.12</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>8</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000405326</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>10-20-2010</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Hinshaw & Culbertson</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201010</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>1681.8100</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>1681.81</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>9</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber/><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>11-30-2010</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee/><PaymentTransactionType>Reserve</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201011</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>25000.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Reserve Adjustment</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>0.00</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>10</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000406303</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>12-17-2010</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201012</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>1087.6000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>1087.60</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>11</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000406863</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>01-14-2011</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201101</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>1148.0300</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPeriod>0</VoidFinancialPeriod><ExpenseAmount>0.00</ExpenseAmount><ReserveAmount>1148.03</ReserveAmount></ClaimRegister><ClaimRegister number="76"><ClaimNumber>76</ClaimNumber><ClaimYear>2009</ClaimYear><PaymentNumber>12</PaymentNumber><PaymentCheckNumber>0000407293</PaymentCheckNumber><PaymentType>Legal</PaymentType><PaymentDate>02-16-2011</PaymentDate><PaymentPayee>Cassiday Schade LLP</PaymentPayee><PaymentTransactionType>Payment</PaymentTransactionType><PaymentFinancialPeriod>201102</PaymentFinancialPeriod><PaymentTransactionCategory/><PaymentAmount>315.0000</PaymentAmount><PaymentStatus>Check Issued</PaymentStatus><PaymentVoidDate/><VoidFinancialPerio

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ok i have been experimenting with browser debugging tools I have never used before.

it looks like an invalid character [& # 1 3] (the decimal notation for Carriage Return - without spaces i inserted to display it) is getting inserted into the XML somewhere along the way, or more likely it's already embedded in my data.

I seem to recall this coming up in some earlier research on this matter - I just didn't realize it applied to my situation before.

so my plan now is to do some regex search and replace somewhere, I will start on the server at the point where the XML content gets returned to the browser.

if it is a non-intuitive solution, I will post the specific code used in a subsequent reply.

otherwise, my advice to anyone stumbling across this post is to use whatever tools you like to use to find embedded escape or other insidious characters that you may not be seeing in a plain-text editor. or just look for this character in the browser debug display of the xml content. and of course, remove or replace it.
William Brogden
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I know of no change between Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6 which would cause that truncated element name. After all, this is pretty standard XML which should be using the Java library, NOT Tomcat specific code.

If this was my problem I would first suspect that the response stream is not getting flushed and closed, leaving some fraction of the document un-sent.

A carriage return is legal XML in text but not in an Element name.

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well I stripped out all carriage returns (including the occasional [& # 1 3 ;]) and line feeds on the server side, before returning it as a response, and I am still getting a not well-formed error when it gets to the browser. so it probably was not the stray digital carriage return, though it sure looked like it was the culprit based on the earlier debug messages on the browser side.

The xml content that the browser debugger is now providing me with is complete -it does not appear to be truncated. so I don't think thats the issue. If I take the xml content I see in the browser debugger, and save it as an xml file, open it in an xml editor or open it with a browser, it appears fine and well-formed.

I agree with you that it doesn't make sense to regard this as a tomcat issue. But I don't have any other ideas since it works in tomcat 5.5 but not in tomcat 6. same database, same data, same jdk, same war file, same browser versions of Firefox and IE. Perhaps there is some other difference I have not yet identified - a difference in a jar on the tomcat/libs maybe? It might be worth noting that the war file that gets deployed is being built in Eclipse within a project that is targeted to use Tomcat6. Running it in tomcat5.5 there are no problems in either browser, in tomcat6 there are the same problems in both browsers.

so I am back to the drawing board on this.

William Brogden
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Nice detective work. If you can capture the document and determine that it is well formed, it is time to look elsewhere.

What exactly is the browser supposed to do with this XML? Is this an AJAX style app where JavaScript is involved?

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Compare the xmls between 5.5 and 6 at every exit (server side) and entry point (browser) and see if that gives you any clue.
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Yes the browser is taking the XML in as an AJAX response. There is some javascript code snippet info in earlier messages.
William Brogden
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I am not familiar with JavaScript debugging tools, but this sure looks like a case where you would want to be able to see exactly what JavaScript is doing with this XML that you know is well formed.

Kay Casavant
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For the fun of it I thought I would install tomcat7 (7.0.14) and see what happens. The problems encountered in various tomcat6 installs on different OS'es (Tomcat6.0.26/Windows7 and Tomcat6.0.29/Windows2003 among others) do not occur in Tomcat7.0.14/Windows2007.

So I don't know what the source of the problem was, but barring any other issues with 7, it looks like we will skip 6 and go to 7.

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