<result name="input">inputjsppage.jsp</result>
If you want to display the action error messages you should "input" in result. The default return is "input" there is any error in the action class.
ocjp 6 — Feeding a person with food is a great thing in this world. Feeding the same person by transferring the knowledge is far more better thing. The reason is the amount of satisfaction which we get through food is of only one minute or two. But the satisfaction which we can get through the knowledge is of life long.
I am using Struts 2... and everytime a message has to be shown i insert the message into addActionMessage(); I have included a <s:actionmessage/> in my jsp but due to some reason everytime the message has to be dis[played the same page gets reloaded but with the message. The issue here is instead of a single page i get the same page twice one loaded over the other?
Redirecting to the same action / jsp and including the
in the code after the validation should do the job, but you say it doesn't so paste your code here... 'action' class, struts.xml, web.xml, jsp.. etc... lets see what you have...
Time is what we want the most, but what we use the worst. -- William Penn
"Don't believe every tiny ad you see on the internet. But this one is rock solid." - George Washington