Author/s : Sean Landis
Publisher : Artima Inc
Category :
Project Management, Process and Best Practices
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 8 horseshoes
"Agile Hiring" is not about hiring for agile projects. It's about how to hire good software developers in general and is inspired by agile concepts.
The book targets those hiring experienced full timers rather than hiring contractors or entry level employees. I particularly liked including ratios as guidance for how well you are screening at all levels. There was an emphasis on different types of leadership and the long term along with a cute dating analogy. I particularly liked the techniques provided for probing on the phone.
I would have liked more examples of "here's something from a resume; here's how to interpret it" so I could practice and see more of what specifically to look for. There was also one instance of an index reference not being removed which jumped out at me. I only noticed it once so not a big deal though
Overall, I enjoyed reading this book. It motivated me to go back and look at resumes for people we've hired to look for trends and screen better based on that. Feedback loops are good!
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in
exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
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