Hi all,
I am a beginner in GWT. I was using GWT 2.0.4 and have update it to GWT 2.2.0 recently and since the update it is not working. I am using
ANT to build my project but it showing errors like hell.
Almost all the problems are in gwt-user.jar and other jars bundled with GWT.
Here is what I have done to update GWT :
1. Downloaded GWT-2.2.0 SDK
2. Replaced GWT-2.0.4 with GWT-2.2.0
3. Updated the path of GWT SDK accordingly in my ANT build.properties file.
There is no error in the compilation of my own code yet.All the errors it shows are in gwt-user.jar
and many others.
Do I need to update the other JARs OR is there something else.
Below is the snippet of the stacktrace.
Please explain in step by step fashion if possible.
Complete stack trace can be provided if necessary.
java] [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Programs/tools/gwt-2.2.0/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/emul/java/math/Logical.java'
[java] [ERROR] Line 51: that.sign cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 51: val.sign cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 54: BigInteger.MINUS_ONE cannot be resolved
[java] [ERROR] Line 57: BigInteger.MINUS_ONE cannot be resolved
[java] [ERROR] Line 61: val.sign cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 62: that.sign cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 68: that.sign cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 70: val.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 70: that.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 86: The method getFirstNonzeroDigit() is undefined for the type BigInteger
[java] [ERROR] Line 87: The method getFirstNonzeroDigit() is undefined for the type BigInteger
[java] [ERROR] Line 91: positive.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 94: positive.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 100: negative.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 100: positive.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 103: negative.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 103: positive.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 105: negative.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 105: positive.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 109: negative.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 110: positive.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 111: positive.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 115: The constructor BigInteger(int, int, int[]) is undefined
[java] [ERROR] Line 116: The method cutOffLeadingZeroes() is undefined for the type BigInteger
[java] [ERROR] Line 129: The method getFirstNonzeroDigit() is undefined for the type BigInteger
[java] [ERROR] Line 130: The method getFirstNonzeroDigit() is undefined for the type BigInteger
[java] [ERROR] Line 133: shorter.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 142: shorter.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 142: longer.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 144: shorter.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 144: longer.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 146: shorter.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 146: longer.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 149: shorter.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 150: longer.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 150: shorter.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 156: longer.numberLength cannot be resolved or is not a field
[java] [ERROR] Line 156: longer.digits cannot be resolved or is not a field