The button appeared when using GridLayout. That was interesting.
I changed paint to paintComponent and tested your testprograms. The results were really interesting :-) I think I can manage to do something based on that
Thank you VERY much for your help! You are awesome
I use this class for 3 reasons
1. I want to use any shape I want (maybe would work if Overriding paintComponent in JButton ?)
2. I want to learn how to do custom components more effectively

I have done some, but they have been too specific, and unusable for other programs so I want to learn how to make more "universal" ones
3. I want to be able to use any color on the button I want. JButtons will not do that for me because I am using a Mac (at least I think that is why) and somehow it will not change the color when calling setBackground or setForeground.
Thank you again