I am using
struts 1.1 and the problem relates to dropdown selected item text.
jsp has a select list as follows:
<html:select styleId="state" property="state" onchange="loadList('state', 'districtCell', 'district')">
<c:forEach var="thisState" items="${stateMap}">
<html:option value="${thisState.key}">${thisState.value}</html:option>
where stateMap is a hash map
There are other such lists with
<option value="${city_id}">${cityName}</option>
When the form is submitted, I want the action class to be able to access the value of the selected item in the list(which it is doing) and
the text of the selected item also(which I do not know how to do.)
The form bean has getter setter methods for each list, but only the value seems to be submitted.