posted 13 years ago
The situation is like this. The prefix for binding to a non-null namespace in the xpath is quite arbitrary in nature as long as the uri bound to it is the proper namespace uri. However, working with team or alone, it is sometimes---if not you, it may be some of your colleagues---very tempting to use the same as appeared in the xml document. Hence, it is of no harm to put the possible prefixes used in the incoming xml inside a lookup table if not just as a reminder. Besides, you can use some "universal" prefix (say "s10", as long as it won't possible appear in the xml as prefix for some other namespace) specifically binding to the .../Student/1.0 namespace at the consumer-side, that is agreed upon amongst the dev team or yourself.
Hence, if I capture the essential of what you've meant by transparent, you can do this in the NamespaceContent handling.
That's the idea. After that, you can use tns or ns1 or the fixed s01 as prefix in the xpath for the targetted namespace to bind to.