Thank you very much for pointing this out.
I encourage you to contact us for anything like this.
Let me see if I can solve your chapter 7 problem first and then I will address why Pro Android 2 has a problem compiling.
You can access zip files chapter by chapter that you can directly import into eclipse.
Here is the link
Pro Android 2 Downloadable Projects
From this link download the zip file for chapter 7 and you should be able to import into your eclipse ADT. Just to be cautious make sure you are at a higher API level such as 2.3 or so.
if you can't you email me or Dave directly and we will help you out. (Infact I encourage it)
Now coming to why stuff may not compile in ProAndroid2 book:
1. For space saving in many places I haven't included the imports, leaving the eclipse ADT to fill them in. This leaves some discrepancy with package names in the android manifest file that needs to be fixed by hand.
2. With so many chapters and so many examples we have missed to include some XML files. Even with two editors checking things got missed. [Note: It is exteremely hard to present code that can compile right out of the book]. So in book 3 we have provided downloadable zip files so that we may be excused for our follies in the text of the book.
we worked hard to correct this in Pro Android 3
1. We have made a practice to include the list of files where we present examples. This acted as a cross check for us to make sure we dont miss any thing
2. Our technical editor Dylan has put extra emphasis to compile them
3. We have given the zip files on the website for downloads
4. All samples/examples in Pro Android 3 can be found here
Pro Android 3 Downloadable Projects
If I can say one final thing, contact us if you can't compile. It is the easiest and the least difficult thing for us to help you on those.
Appreciate again your support