I build a portlets that retrieve data from my mysql database. I show a small form and the user introduce a id numbre then in the processAction I connect with my database and extract the personal data. Then i show the register in the view.jsp.
Now I want to show all the list the persons that exist in my database table but... I dont know as to pass all the register from the processAction to my view.jsp?
I had found this
thread in internet
here but I had not get solve my problem.
I am working with netbeans 6.9.
Here my processAction code :
in my view.jsp :
i put this line for
String[] vector =request.getParameterValues("registro1");
but the vector value is null.
Also I create a array (a,b,c) for test setRenderParameter but it is null again.
Please if any body know as show a list de data (registers) or know a tutorial in netbeans for that, let me know.
Thank you very much and Apologizes for my bad english.
NOTE: the processAction code work fine when i want to show only one register, is to say, eliminating some lines (where i use the arrays) this work correctly but i dont find the way to pass multiples register to my view.jsp.