I am trying to export web page(jsp page ) to excel using jsp or servlets. I am retrieving records from database and displaying in the jsp page, In this page I have a save as excel button, when I click this button I need these displayed records to excel file. I tried with vbscript and javascript but am getting some errors. Please can anyone tell me how to do this using java or jsp or servlets??
Bear, you are displaying the result in JSP page. It means that you are already records available in request/ session. Now on click on save button why not you call one servlet that servlet will do writing in excel file. After that you can give link to user to download that excel file.
Bear Bibeault wrote:The best solution is to have a servlet that reads the same data and formats it, not as HTML, but as a format that Excel understands.
I'd say that's debatable; storing the data in the session can work well. That's what the DisplayTag library suggested previously does, which is indeed worth a look if the data is both to be displayed as HTML and downloaded as XLS.
I did not mean to not store in the session -- just that it won't be there automatically. And trying to extract the data from the HTML page after it has been rendered is like trying to get a steak out of hamburger.
Caching the data in the session may be a viable path depending upon the expected usage patterns of the application
I am trying to do this using javascript, but still its not working, here is my code
This gives me an error in the webpage when i click save as excel button, the error is detailsTable is undefined, Please can anyone help me, I am stuck here.
Apparently you think that because you have an element with name "detailsTable" on your page (two elements, actually, which is a bad idea), that element would be defined as a JavaScript variable. Not so. Read up on the JavaScript methods getElementsByName and getElementById to learn about how to structure your HTML pages so that what you're trying to do becomes possible.