oh...i see..thank you! but.. no one knows how I can overtake this problem? well.. to explain better, in Catalina.out I have an error that sounds like this:
it appears when i try to register the web service with axis like:
and because that server-config.wsdd is not created, after server restart my web service is lost and i need to redeploy it...
please help...
have you checked that you are running tomcat as the same user that you are using to deploy the web service?
It looks like a file permission problem, separate to both tomcat and web services.
ah...it`s true.. I changed the permission to the tomcat home...etc... cause user root had rights and I deployed with another user. Now on my tomcat folders have permission, for example: myuser(the user):tomcat6(the group).
What I noticed is that when an error occurred and it`s written out to catalina.out the catalina.out permissions change to tomcat6(the user):tomcat6(the group) . What to do to stop doing that?
In my tomcat-users.xml I put the following:
It is ok? or how should i do?
I am using Ubuntu 10.10
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